Reef trust will interact with the general public, individuals, nurseries, schools, colleges and universities. It is important to educate and inspire curious minds as well as provide opportunities to develop research and field skills. We want to build a team of budding enthusiasts who are prepared to stand for ocean health. Our generation of scientists must speak loudly to build a future where humans co-exists with nature.
Bridging the gap between the ocean and mankind The ocean is a powerful tool to improve our health and connect to nature. We aim to bridge the gap between people, the sea and our future. Encouraging individual involvement and engagement of local communities. Exploring and restoring beaches, reefs and marine life. Let’s inspire a positive…
Read MoreCreating partnerships with individuals, companies and organisations. Reef trust care about both the environment and the people who surround it. That’s why our projects will be grounded in scientific evidence and local knowledge to ensure maximum benefit to the reefs and communities. We think it is important to work closely with our partners to share information,…
Read MoreKelp arises from the rocky sea floor and grows up towards sunlight to form a canopy of dense macro-algae. Beyond the fronds, you can find cuttlefish, seahorses, crabs, lobsters sea-bream and bass. These habitats offer a safe nursery ground and home for native species to reside in and protect our coasts from erosion and storm…
Read MoreGlobally, the UK generates the most offshore wind energy and the number of windfarms is only set to rise with the shift to renewables. We want to make the most of our world-leading status by utilising this opportunity to restore degraded ocean habitats. Offshore windfarms submersed in waters around the UK introduce a new habitat…
Read MoreWe want to expand the UK’s blue belt. Protecting the underwater world is essential for the health of our ocean, planet and species. The best method to protect our seas is to halt ocean degradation before it happens. This can be done by creating marine protected areas (MPA’s) around threatened habitats. Effective management in these areas…
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